Dear Blessed Virgin Mary,
You have pleased God so much in your life.
You have done His Will to the perfection, and because of it, you have placed nearest to the Holy Trinity.
You were chosen to be Jesus’ Mother because you were so pure.
You never condemned anyone, you said a bad word about anyone.
You always wanted to help those in need, protect their dignity and reputation.
You are our perfect model on how to live this life and how to love God and others to the best.
Please mother who was given to us to be our own mother.
Teach us how to be like you, to make good choices in our lives to follow God’s ways.
Pray for us so that we have enough discernment to recognize the truth. More than anything so many people are broken by so much injustice, lack of love, loneliness, rejection etc... please awaken our hearts to know how much God loves us, how much you love us.
You said in the past that if we knew how much we are loved, we would cry of joy.
Our hearts have been so hardened, we don’t feel it as it is.
Oh Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Mother, Pray for us!