
1) Healed from Pancreatic Cancer

Dear Immaculee,
I attended one of your lectures, my friend bought one of your prayer books and a rosary to give to our friend who had stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Our friend found out yesterday that her CAT scan showed no tumors and a normal pancreas.  We believe that Our Lady of Kibeho was responsible for the healing. Thank you for your wonderful ministry. I have felt a personal healing of the pain of a betrayal from some people that I worked with last year. Through your talk I attended, I have been able to forgive them and to begin moving on with my life. I have also begun praying the rosary every day. God bless you and your work to promote reconciliation and forgiveness. 
J. H. 

2)  Peace found and farewell to dad
I would like to share a story with you.
For the past 2 1/2 months my dad was being watched by Hospice, 24 hr. care in his home, dying of bone cancer.  I have been incredibly grateful that God gave our family and my dad 2 1/2 months to prepare.  God's plan is always so Awesome!  The words we shared during those days, the time we had with dad and to grow together as a family through it all was something I will be forever thankful for.  The end is what I what to share with you.  I lived 5 hrs. away from my parents.  I had told the ladies that were watching my dad to Please try to let me know in time, so that I could be there with my dad when he took his last breath.  
May 10, 2013.  Two of my brothers called me that day and said "Mary, are you coming home this weekend?"  I know dad was getting closer.  I said, "Yes, I am planning to come home."  When my 2nd brother called, I said:  "do you think I should come today or tomorrow?"  There was a hesitation, so I know, and I just said "I'll come today".  Well, there was a lot of traffic..  Prince H. was in Denver, and it took forever to get across Denver.   For the Entire 5 hrs. driving in the car I had just purchased your "Seven Sorrows of Mary" and I was praying that and then I would listen to and pray "The Divine Mercy", over and over again..  I felt Incredible Peace!
I finally made it home and when I pulled up the driveway, I saw 5 cars sitting outside.  I thought to myself.  "Wow, that's a lot of cars".  Then I thought, should I grab my luggage, or should I just go in?   I decided to go right in.  
Well, Dad had been waiting for me.  He had been breathing very hard since 3:00.  It was now 6:15 p.m.  As I walked in the living room, they all just looked at me and said:  "He's Waiting for You!"  I could still feel his heart beat, and I could hear him trying to breath.  I had the chance to say:  "I am here dad and I am here for mom, and we will take care of mom and that I loved him so much"   and that was it.  Dad passed away at 6:20.    
The 2 1/2 months of dad's final journey, it was so Beautiful.  It was Humbling.  Dad suffered with a lot of pain, but we know that was his purgatory.  Now that dad is gone, we feel Incredible Blessings coming down from above!  Incredible Peace!  Incredibly Thankful for our faith and God's plan.  
Thank you so much for "the Seven Sorrows of Mary".  Now, every time I listen to it, I feel that incredible Peace that I felt on that 5 hr. drive to see dad for the last time.  The Ave Marie playing in the background is so beautiful! I have read your books and we are going to your conference here in Denver, CO Aug. 3rd.    We are very excited for the conference and we cannot Thank You enough for your books, your emails, your conferences and all you do to share and spread your faith!! 
God bless you, 
M. M. 
3) Nightmares healed 
11th June 2013 I only started saying The Rosary 15 months ago....I had major surgery in April 2012 and I had asked Jesus to bring me through it safely and in return I promised to share my experience with as many people as I could.....Jesus answered my prayer and I have tried to keep my promise......... but now I want to tell you about The 7 Sorrows Rosary.

7 months ago my Mother died and I had been having horrible nightmares....so much so that I would try not to go to sleep...Fr B. had been brilliant...supporting and advising me but still I had the nightmares.
A few days later he told us, on this Prayer Page, about the 7 Sorrows Rosary..which I'd only vaguely heard of before and suggested that I start saying it .....he told me the 7 Promises but particularly number 5..
"I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy and I will protect them at every instant of their lives"

I have to admit that I wasn't overly keen but I know the 15 Promises that Mary gives to anyone praying The Rosary and to be honest I was desperate to stop the nightmares.
So a couple of nights later I fell asleep while saying it and although I still had nightmares I didn't wake up with the feeling of fear I usually did...somehow I could "feel" Mary holding my hand and I felt at peace.
I was still incredibly tired and fell asleep again a few hours later.....NO NIGHTMARES !!!.......
Thank you Blessed Mother....SO much.....

I understand, just a tiny part of what You must have felt at each of Your Sorrows......my son is just a few years older than Jesus when He was crucified and Fr B is right when he says that mothers feel their children's pain more than their children...
but I can only try to imagine what You went through and it breaks my heart......

If anyone reading this hasn't yet prayed The 7 Sorrows Rosary please,please do.....
in some ways it's more difficult than the ordinary Rosary.....and I've still only scratched the surface.....

We are all in this Prayer Family together...
to pray and to learn but sometimes I feel it's important to share what we are praying and learning because we do learn so much from each other.....I certainly do.

Thank you Fr B ....Jesus and Mary speak to me through you.

Thank you Blessed Mother for accepting me as Your child....now that my own Mother isn't here anymore...I need You even more.